Silverchef Financing Advantages – Ice Machines Direct

Silverchef is our financing partner here at Ice Machines Direct.   We believe they’re the best fit for our customers.

Taking a Silverchef financing option offers a great range of approaches to your cash flow solutions.

To help you calculate the best deal, we’ve included a rental calculator that’ll show you your cost per week at any price point.

Silverchef is one of Australia’s largest hospitality finance providers. They’ve got a glut of experience, and can offer great rates on the rest of your commercial kitchen.

You can easily bundle your full finance package together with Silverchef, and easily keep your obligations together. Bundling together your financing obligation makes it easy.

Don’t be controlled by your repayments, make sure that it’s all organised and clear.

What can Silverchef do for your business?

Silverchef can offer a range of assistance and experience outside of simple finance. They’re an operator with decades of experience with the Australian hospitality industry, and they know how to help out with your business.

They can help both finance and get you in touch with new & used equipment sellers.

You can also easily integrate your purchase with Ice Machines Direct into a larger order, and bundle together the full range of necessities for your hospitality business.

Got an Existing Silverchef Account?

It’s so easy to include an ice machine onto your existing Silverchef financing deal, along with taking advantage of their vaunted 12-month rental agreement.

Did you know, you can choose to upgrade, return, purchase or continue to rent at the end of 12-months, all with attractive discount rates.

Silverchef gives you the flexibility to choose how you want to proceed, along with the flexibility to customise the offering to your needs.

If the product’s too big, or too small, or just not quite perfect for your needs, Silverchef can make the adjustments to your plan that’ll fix any issues.

Silverchef gives you options!

The Silverchef offering allows you to choose from one of four options at the end of your 12-month financing period.

You can choose to buy (Applying a discount), or continue to rent, return the product or rent-to-buy. This flexibility’s leading in the field.

This great for making sure that your business can take advantage of a great ice maker machine!

Because Ice Machines Direct has been working with Silverchef for years, and we can vouch for the quality service they provide.

So get in touch with us, and we’ll set you up with a financing deal that’ll be stress and worry-free. Don’t shy away from Silverchef Financing at Ice Machines Direct.

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